
Friday, November 27, 2009

21 Week Survey!

I realize I am not the best at updating, I have been a little under the weather lately. I really need to stick with this so I can look back on it later.

* How far along?: 21 weeks!
* Total weight gain: Too much I think, the nurse who weighed me at my appointment on Monday made a point to ask me what I have been eating, not good!
* How big is baby?: 7 inches and 10-11 ounces
* Sex: Girl! :)
* Maternity clothes?: I am hating the clothes I have, I think it is time to put in an order online at the Gap, I need some more basics
* Stretch marks?: Nope, fingers crossed it stays that way
* Sleep?: Not the greatest, I can't seem to stay asleep
* Best moment this week? Feeling some movement and when I put my hand on my belly I felt a kick to my hand! So amazing!
* Movement?: Getting stronger and more frequent each and every day. See above.
* Food cravings?: Coca Cola, chocolate chip cookies
* Labor signs?: nope
* Belly button in or out?: Still in but slowly stretching its way out
* What I miss: Being able to take medication when sick. Tylenol doesn't solve everything!
* What I'm looking forward to: Starting to buy things for baby and also Christmas
* Words of Wisdom: I don't have anything this week :(

Thursday, November 19, 2009

18 Week Survey!

So I thought I would finally start to do these since I am almost halfway there! Wow how the time flies. Monday we go in for the big U/S to find out what we are going to have, yay! And sorry for this being a day late, I will try harder next week to put it out on the right day;)

* How far along?: 18 weeks!
* Total weight gain: around 10lbs
* How big is baby?: About 5.5 inches and close to 7 ounces
* Sex: We find out on Monday!!! So excited!!
* Maternity clothes?: Yes for most pants but still wearing my normal shirts
* Stretch marks?: Nope
* Sleep?: I get up to pee a few times a night and now I have a hard time falling asleep, just can't seem to find a comfortable position :(
* Best moment this week? Finally feeling slightly like my old self again, the nausea seems to have finally subsided (fingers crossed, knock on wood)
* Movement?: I think I am starting to feel little movements here and there, not entirely sure though.
* Food cravings?: Coca Cola (weird as I never liked any sort of pop before)
* Labor signs?: nope
* Belly button in or out?: Still in but slowly stretching, looks weird
* What I miss: Sushi and white wine
* What I'm looking forward to: U/S on Monday
* Words of Wisdom: Take it easy, and drink plenty of fluids when you feel a cold coming on. Seriously saved me earlier this week.