
Sunday, February 20, 2011

10 Months

And now we are into the double digits!

As a 10 month old, you are
  • taking one nap a day somewhere between 12 and 2pm everyday depending on how tired you are.
  • have cut back on your solid meals for the last little while, preferring to breastfeed with all the teething you have going on. Last check of your mouth showed about 7 teeth all coming in at once, making you a not so happy camper :(
  • wearing 6-9 month, and 12 month clothing for the most part. Some pants are 18 months just because I figured I'd get more use out of them for you since they are a little longer than the 12's.
  • wave at your daddy all the time.
  • know how to get down off or bed or the couch feet first without falling. You turn around, put one leg over at a time, such a smarty pants!
  • can finally hold and drink from your sippy cup properly.
  • walking more and more each day. You still crawl when you want to get somewhere fast, but you take on average 10-12 steps at a time before you drop down and need to get back up.
  • squatting is your favorite way to sit and play with your toys. You squat and then stand and squat and stand over and over.
  • have become quite the temper tantrum queen. If we take something away from you that you shouldn't be playing with, you don't waste any time letting us know how mad that makes you.
We've got most of the birthday planning done, just a few small details and we should be all set. Can't believe the planning has begun, less then 2 months and you'll be a whole year old!

In other news, my official start date back at work is March 7th, so 2 more weeks :( I'm going to miss being home with Bri so much it's seriously giving me some anxiety. Hopefully it's a smooth transition for both you and I.

And onto the fun pictures :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Adventures in Finding Daycare

& other things that go along with it.

So we have started the search for a daycare for Bri. I contacted the child care referral service in our city, got a list of day cares that matched the days and hours I needed, and then I threw a huge ol' fit. The list they sent me was for daycares in the worst area of the city, like gang neighbourhoods where your next door neighbour is most probably a drug dealer, and there have been a couple drive-by shootings. Seriously? You think these centres are suitable for my 9 month old daughter? Not the best way to start my search, that's for sure.

After my major freak out and meltdown, my friend who just recently found out she herself is pregnant, offered to watch Bri at her house until I could find something else, or until she got so pregnant she'd have to stop. This sounded like the best idea, so we made a date for a try-out to see how Bri would react to spending an entire day there. Let's just say, it was probably the worst day ever in Bri's short 9 and a half month life. The girl didn't have a single maternal bone in her body. I was crushed, I really thought this would be it.

After that, I made a couple phone calls to some in home daycares after speaking to a couple moms in my area and was told all of them were currently full and not accepting any more children at this time. So basically back to square one, once again.

I remembered this one lady who would visit my work all the time, and the kids she would watch always seemed pretty happy and to like her alot so I decided to find out her name, look her up, and give her a call to see where that would get me. Seems she is watching another little 13-month old girl right now, and she's looking for a second baby to watch. Ding Ding Ding! I immediately told her I'd love to meet with her to sit down and talk about this whole thing. Clint and I are meeting with her this Friday, and I could not be happier! I have the best feeling about this whole thing, and the thought of having her watch Bri doesn't leave me nervous at all.

Fingers crossed all works out on Friday and I can cross this off my list.