* Total weight gain: At my doctor's appointment yesterday I was up 1.2 lbs from 4 weeks ago
* How big is baby?: 12 inches and 1 1/3 lbs, Woot!
* Sex: Baby Brianna
* Maternity clothes?: Yes, and I bought some more cute stuff on sale Boxing Day
* Stretch marks?: Fingers crossed I continue on the no stretch mark train
* Sleep?: A little better this week. I actually managed to sleep through the night twice this week, without waking up for a pee break...Yay me!
* Best moment this week? Reaching V-Day today and being told after my freak out the last couple days, the doctor telling me all is well with baby.
* Movement?: All the time and now I am also feeling stretching which caused the freak out mentioned above
* Food cravings?: Lemons, chinese food and sushi
* Labor signs?: None
* Belly button in or out?: Still stretching
* What I miss: Seeing as tomorrow is New Years, I miss champagne :(
* What I'm looking forward to: New Years Eve tomorrow night.
* Words of Wisdom: Do not let google diagnose you, talk to your doctor.

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