* How far along?: 28 weeks, 12 to go!
* Total weight gain: Not sure, will find out Monday at the Dr. apt
* How big is baby?: 15 inches and 2-3 lbs!
* Sex: Baby Brianna
* Maternity clothes?: Well of course
* Stretch marks?: I seem to have sprouted one on each side of my waist, a continuation of my very old and faded ones :( Luckily, they are shorter than an inch in length still, please don't continue to grow little stretchies
* Sleep?: Crappy, my cat has decided to wake me up 3 times a night with his loud and obnoxious meows
* Best moment this week? Realizing I only have about 3 months to go!
* Movement?: She's pretty lazy in the mornings but at night it's a totally different story. There definitely is a pattern to her movement.
* Food cravings?: Nothing in particular this week
* Labor signs?: I believe I had my first Braxton Hicks contraction the other day, it was pretty uncomfortable
* Belly button in or out?: Still working its way out slowly, I don't think it will ever make it to a full "outie". My belly button pre pregnancy was pretty deep!
* What I miss: Being able to drink more than a glass of water before I need to run to the bathroom to pee
* What I'm looking forward to: Signing up for birthing and breastfeeding classes this week
* Words of Wisdom: Again nothing this week
* How big is baby?: 15 inches and 2-3 lbs!
* Sex: Baby Brianna
* Maternity clothes?: Well of course
* Stretch marks?: I seem to have sprouted one on each side of my waist, a continuation of my very old and faded ones :( Luckily, they are shorter than an inch in length still, please don't continue to grow little stretchies
* Sleep?: Crappy, my cat has decided to wake me up 3 times a night with his loud and obnoxious meows
* Best moment this week? Realizing I only have about 3 months to go!
* Movement?: She's pretty lazy in the mornings but at night it's a totally different story. There definitely is a pattern to her movement.
* Food cravings?: Nothing in particular this week
* Labor signs?: I believe I had my first Braxton Hicks contraction the other day, it was pretty uncomfortable
* Belly button in or out?: Still working its way out slowly, I don't think it will ever make it to a full "outie". My belly button pre pregnancy was pretty deep!
* What I miss: Being able to drink more than a glass of water before I need to run to the bathroom to pee
* What I'm looking forward to: Signing up for birthing and breastfeeding classes this week
* Words of Wisdom: Again nothing this week