So I have made it to the third trimester and cannot believe how happy that makes me. I feel like it was just yesterday where I took that HPT and it came up positive. How time flies! Only 3 more months till Brianna arrives...give or take a couple days!!
* How far along?: 27 weeks
* Total weight gain: Not sure, will find out in a couple weeks at my next Dr apt
* How big is baby?: 14 1/2 inches and 2 lbs!! She is growing so fast!!
* Sex: Baby Brianna
* Maternity clothes?: Yes
* Stretch marks?: Still nothing thank goodness, please let's keep it that way
* Sleep?: Eh, OK I guess
* Best moment this week? Hitting the third trimester mark!
* Movement?: Not really increasing but definitely getting stronger
* Food cravings?: Spaghetti with lots of parmesan cheese, haha
* Labor signs?: None
* Belly button in or out?: Continuing to get stretched out and more shallow
* What I miss: Wearing non mat clothes, I miss my cute jeans and shirts and not feeling huge!
* What I'm looking forward to: Moving this Saturday into our new house and then onto decorating the baby's room!! Yay I am so excited!
* Words of Wisdom: Don't think I have any this week :(
*And as usual, pictures will be posted later tonight*
I have some explaining to do.
12 years ago
1 comment:
Yay Niki! I can't believe how fast it's going. She'll be here before you know it! :)
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