
Thursday, March 18, 2010

35/35 :)

* How far along?: 35 weeks, 5 weeks to go! (or 35 days left!)
* Total weight gain: Lost a couple the last few weeks with being sick
* How big is baby?: 18 inches & 5 1/2lbs
* Sex: Baby Brianna
* Maternity clothes?: They seem to be getting shorter and shorter. Thank goodness I have been home sick so I can wear Clinton's large track pants and t-shirts around the house.
* Stretch marks?: Still the same
* Sleep?: Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it has. All I do is stir around from either hip pain or my mind racing and I also get up to pee every hour. I guess the positive is I will be good to go once Brianna gets here :)
* Best moment this week? The crib came in! Clint set it up and it looks wonderful in there. I can't wait to get the bedding from my Dad and his girlfriend. Also, we got a bunch of girly stuff from The Bay after getting out of the hospital (thanks Clint) like clothes, swaddlers, some bottles, things like that.
* Movement?: All the time, and it is sooooo strong now
* Food cravings?: Strawberries! I have gone through 3 large clamshells in the last couple days, I just can't get enough, they are so sweet and delicious
* Labor signs?: No, stay away for at least another 2 weeks please
* Belly button in or out?: Pretty much popped out now, and depending where baby is or how much I just ate, it can be flat too
* What I miss: Getting outside, being at work and talking to people other than my cats all day. Being sick is no fun!
* What I'm looking forward to: First off getting better, then we have a prenatal class on Saturday morning, the first of 2 so that should be fun.
* Words of Wisdom: When you are sick, take the time to get better. Pretending you are better before you are does not turn out very well.

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