- Weighing in at 15lbs, 7oz & 26in (87th & 97th percentiles)
- Constantly smiling, laughing and cooing to everyone and anything
- Moved up to 3-6 month clothing, with the exception of some 0-3 which still fit and wearing 6 month sleepers because she is just so long!
- Sleeping more and more in her crib
- Can now pick up toys and put them directly into her mouth. It needs to be tasted before she can decide if she likes it don't you know ;)
- Laughs every now and then, still not a regular occurrence, but squeals all the time... I must not be hilarious enough for her
- Still loves her baths and going in the pool. She is my little water baby
- Can do "crunches". She likes to lay on her back and bring her head up and forward, looks like she is doing crunches and her tummy muscles are all tight. She's going to have a 6 pack by the time she's a year old!
- Is able to sit up for a couple seconds while supporting herself before she starts to topple over. Pretty sure she will be sitting all on her own pretty soon.
- Will stand if you hold onto her hands and will take a couple steps before her legs give out on her...scary!!! I am not ready for this!
I have some explaining to do.
12 years ago
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