She was here for just over a week, and now she has gone back home. It went by so quickly, I couldn't believe it was time for her to leave already!
It was so wonderful having her here. Not only did I get to have my mom and my daughter spend some much needed time together getting to know each other, I got to have someone cook me all my favorite meals and let me take naps when I needed them :) It was glorious!
She taught me how to cook a bunch of my favorites, she fed and put the baby to sleep each and every night, was constantly cleaning (not that my house is a mess, she is just a compulsive cleaner and nothing is ever clean enough according to her), and always thinking of ways to spoil her girls. She must have spent a fortune on Brianna, but it was worth it to her, she loved being around her petite cocotte and watching her smile. I really wish we lived closer to family, it sucks being a 6 hour flight away from everyone.
And on top of all this, Clint finally started his new job, so he was hardly home the entire visit. I'm glad he's back at work, things were starting to get tight, and now that he's back at work, I am finally able to breathe a little.
Here are a couple pictures of Brianna and her grand maman!