Thanks so much girl!
To accept this award, there are a few rules that must be followed:
1) Thank the person that gave you the award:
Thanks for reading and enjoying my blog, Sammie! I'm so happy that you enjoy reading my blog!
2) Share 7 things about yourself:
-I am so scared of spiders, that even the mention on one gives me the total creeps!
- When I was younger, I was known as a hypochondriac, I was sure I had any and every illness known to man. Thankfully, I grew out of that, eventually :P
-As hard as pregnancy was for me with Brianna, I really hope that I get to experience it all again someday
-My wedding band and engagement ring don't match, like at all. I hate my set so much that we have been shopping for a new matching set for over a year. I'm so picky that I haven't found anything I am in love with yet.
-I love to drive. I know some people hate being in a car, but for me, it calms me. I used to live out in the country and have to drive over 90 minutes to work every day, I loved it. Hated paying for gas, but enjoyed that time in the car alone with my music and coffee.
-Love, love, love watching trash TV. I'm like a teenager in that respect.
-I need to start a diet and work out like last week. Enough of carrying this extra weight. I feel gross all the time.
3) Pass on to some bloggers you think are fantastic!!
Exploits of a Military Mama
Very Vera
History of the Harveys
Live, laugh, love and more
Our Silly Rodriguez Family
The Adventures of Two Under Two
The Little Things
The Power of The Pink Lines
The Thomas and Ben Chronicles
As The Foreste Grows
4) Contact the bloggers and let them know about award
Congrats, everyone!!
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